National Environment Day

Helping mother earth has never been more urgent. We can all help in small ways to make a difference.

5 Ways You Can Help The Environment


Pay attention to your water consumption. Have shorter showers, don’t leave taps running and try to drink tap water instead of bottled water.

Drop of water with arrows


Walk where you can. As well as improving your personal health, walking instead of driving can drastically reduce greenhouse gasses.

Icon of a man walking


Go paperless. Paper use endangers natural habitats. Try online banking instead of receiving paper statements, opt out of junk mail and if you must use paper, try using paper made from 80%-100% recycled paper.


Reduce your waste. Try to avoid purchasing products with excess packaging, understand what ‘sell by’ and ‘use by’ really mean and of course, bring your own shopping bags.


Buy local. Buying local produce not only helps the local community but also reduces pollution created by transporting goods.


At The Garden Office, we take our responsibility to the environment very seriously. See how The Garden Office does its part in helping the environment.